Seven7s has arrived!

A few months ago, Eagle Gryphon Kickstarted my game Seven7s. It's a small card game where players use the powers of seven famous sevens to manipulate their hands and the shared tableau in order to try and end with the highest personal hand value. There are abilities like Deadly Sins (force discards), Colors (set wilds), Wonders (see what's out there), Seas (move cards around) and more.

I made Seven7s as part of a pitch tag session in late 2013 and signed with Eagle Gryphon shortly after Unpub 4. It's been a year and some change since, but now I have the final product in my hands! I ran home during lunch to pick up the Wild Cats rules, but found a mid size box from Eagle Gryphon. Being part of their Wingman team, I never know what it's going to be... and even forgot that they were sending me a few of the early copies that were rushed out for Origins.

So here it is, the final production version of Seven7s. Designed by me. Development by Ralph Anderson. Artwork by Fabrice Weiss. Graphic design by Adam McIver. Published by Eagle Gryphon Games as number 7 (!) in the E.G.G line.



Keep an eye out for this in the next few months! Or if you're local to South Jersey, I'll have my copy on hand.

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