A Few Button Shy Firsts

Exciting things are happening here at Button Shy Games and we would like to share some of the excitement with you. We have a few “firsts” that we are announcing today in a longer than normal blog post.

Our first “first” is coming next week (Tuesday, Sept 6th) in the new wallet-sized game, Pentaquark – which will be our first published solo wallet game.

Designed by Mike Mullins (one of designers of Bottom of the 9th), players will take the role of a Particle Physicists (yes, we said Particle Physicists - how’s that for a unique theme!), in this brainy puzzler of a game. Players need to collect 2 Up Quarks, 1 Down Quark, 1 Charm and 1 Anti-Charm before the cards you need are annihilated from the game. Players will do this by moving the cards they need to the detector, discarding others so that they may come back as anti-quarks, and try to minimize the number of quarks scattered and lost. If too many cards are removed from the game, the Pentaquark has slipped through undetected once again!

A game of Pentaquark takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and features art from Fabrice Weiss. Of course, coming in a wallet is an added bonus for those of you that like to travel and looking for a solo game to play in airports or hotel rooms. The Kickstarter will be running from Sept 6th to Sept 17th. Don’t miss out and let the pentaquarks slip through your fingers.

For more information on Pentaquark, including a how-to-play video by Mike Mullins, visit: http://buttonshygames.com/pages/pentaquark

Next up, coming to Kickstarter in October we have Ahead in the Clouds, designed by up-and-coming designer, Daniel Newman with art by Bryan Fischer.

Ahead in the Clouds is a euro influenced resource management game distilled into 18 cards for 2-players. citizens of the Empacta Skies long for the days where everyone, not just the wealthy, can ditch their masks and breathe the precious air that they call their home. As an industrialist, you will collect dust particles from the air and water vapor from the clouds to convert to hydrogen and oxygen. By collecting, converting and selling these precious resources, you can provide your family with the breathing room that you need to keep your business afloat and go home at night knowing you made a difference to the world with fresh air.

In another first for a Button Shy wallet game, Ahead in the Clouds will require components (cubes or pennies) which will not be included in the base game. However, don’t worry if you aren’t wanting to provide these tokens, we will have a deluxe support tier that comes with punchboard tokens. Ahead in the Clouds will be on Kickstarter from October 4th through October 15th. We are hoping to have a big media push with this one, so you will be learning more about this game through other board game media sources. Which brings us to our next first….

Button Shy has hired its first staff member - an official media outreach person, Ryan Sanders (who is also writing this very blog post).

Ryan has conducted and published over 200 interviews with board game designers, publishers and illustrators as The Inquisitive Meeple. He is also very active on Twitter – you can find him at: https://twitter.com/inquiry_meeple. Jason and Ryan are looking at the best possible ways to be able to set-up media communications for future Button Shy titles with the Board Game Media. Until we have a media email and/or something else in place, feel free to contact Ryan on Twitter if you have any media requests.

Moving on, we would like to announce the designers of the Cult Film games coming in our September and October edition of Board Game of the Month Club. In September, we will be featuring a game by Doug Levandowski (designer of Button Shy Games’ You’re Fired). In October we will be featuring a cult film game from Nat Levan (designer of New Bedford). For those of you that do not know what the Board Game of the Month Club is – let us fill you in on the fun. The Board Game of the Month Club can be subscribed on our Patreon page at: https://www.patreon.com/buttonshy. Every month, depending on your pledge level, you will be sent unique board game goodies ranging from print and play games, discounts for our Kickstarter campaigns, our Cult Film of the Month Game (postcard) to promos of previous release Button Shy games, to micro games.

Looking back on July’s Board Game of the Month Club at the $10 level, backers received the Cult Film Postcard Game: The Time Warp, inspired by the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was designed by Dead of Winter’s Jonathan Gilmour and Curtis E. Clark. Backers also received Movie Plotz and Wild Cats promo cards and an 8 card 8-player micro game (In Vino Morte) designed by Chris Anderson. If you haven’t checked out Board Game of the Month Club before, we highly recommend you do so (provide a link to sign up)

That’s it for this time, but we have even more exciting things to share in the near future including a short interview with Chip Beauvis (designer of Button Shy’s Smoke & Mirrors) on his new 4X wallet game Universal Rule (coming in November) and info on our 2017 line-up. Until then, thanks for reading this post and supporting Button Shy.

Jason, Ben and Ryan


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