A Post of Thankfulness, Looking Back and Looking Ahead

A Post of Thankfulness, Looking Back and Looking Ahead

We know that our readers (well at least in the US) are getting ready for an extended Holiday weekend full of turkey, family, political arguments, football and hopefully games. We wanted to take a second and focus a little on what we at Button Shy Games have been thankful for this year and as well talk a little bit about 2017 and our upcoming Toys for Tots special online event.


We first wanted to thank BOTH our Patreon supporters as well as our Kickstarter backers. Because of you we were able to have our best year yet (check back in late December / early January for a whole bunch of stats). We are thankful to work with a creative group of designers, developers, artists and more. Thank you to all that have supported us in 2016!

Looking back on 2016

We're excited as we continue to try to evolve Button Shy Games into the vision that we have for it (big games in small packages). It has been quite a ride, with new team members joining up, new infrastructures coming into place, and some of our best Kickstarter turnouts ever.

In 2016, we also hosted a Wallet Game Contest and saw quite the turnout! Many of the top games you will be seeing in our 2017 lineup. We also were able to start our Pocket Universe line of games that include both wallet games like Pod-X and Universal Rule as well as our nano solo line, Twin Stars. We even recently started a Pocket Universe Wikia (http://pocket-universe.wikia.com/wiki/Pocket_Universe_Wiki) for anyone that would like to learn the mythos behind the characters and planets in these games.

Looking ahead to 2017

We will be moving from monthly Kickstarters to quarterly ones. However, we will be Kickstarter 3 games at a time in each of those Kickstarters. As far 2017 games - we will be continuing to try to make our wallet size games feel like bigger games for a great gameplay experience - much like we did in the Fall with Pentaquark, Ahead in the Clouds and Universal Rule.

2017 Board Game of the Month Club

In 2016 we made 12 Postcard Games based off of Cult Films. Each had a different designer (or designers) and it was so much fun. We're changing the theme in 2017 and  making One Hit Wonders postcard games, and we are not repeating any designers! This is a wild project and has gone very well. 

While the postcard games will still be secret, one difference is that we will be sharing our bonus content in advance in 2017. Some of the things you can expect are: a quarterly new Twin Stars solo module, a quarterly Nat Levan one card game (note: some are more than one card), promos, and much, much more.

Toys For Tots Sale

Last year we did a Wild Cats promo with all proceeds going to the Animal Welfare Association. We wanted to do something similar this year and give to those in need. 

Starting today and going through Monday December 5th - for every $10 that you spend in our shop, we will match your purchase by donating a set of Storyteller Cards to Toys For Tots. We can hopefully give the less fortunate some creative fun this holiday season.


Thanks again to all of you! Looking forward to the holidays and another great year here at Button Shy. 

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