Game of the Week - Fever Chill

I've made no secret about my love for autumn, and I've been anxiously awaiting that distinctive chill in the air. Apparently, I'll just have to wait longer; it was near 90 on the east coast today! I've got the AC cranked up in my house and I'm just pretending the windows are open. 

This surprising weather did give me an idea, at least. What about Fever Chill as this week's featured game? Whether you are lamenting or relishing the warm weather, you can celebrate by turning up the heat on your opponents.

Fever Chill is a light deduction game for 3-4 players (the 4th player requires a small 5 card expansion). Players are doctors trying to keep themselves healthy and sabotage their rivals. Using simultaneous card selection (and occasional revealing), they will choose to raise or lower their opponents temperature using their virus or medicine cards. After 3 rounds of playing cards on the players to their left and right, the player plays the final card on themselves. The player that is closest to their original temperature wins the game.

(Note to self: stop taking these photos after painting / working on my garage. -Jason)


I should mention that quantities are very limited! Snag yourself a deduction game at a discount before we sell out.

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