Turbo Drift
Button Shy's first racing game, Turbo Drift, is a real-space racing game designed by Rob Cramer, where your table becomes a 1980's era Japanese Mountain Pass race course. Draft cards, avoid obstacles, pass the finish line!
This wallet-contained card game is for 2-4 players and takes about 20-30 minutes to complete your race.
About the Game
R-R-R-R-Race toward the finish line at ludicrous speed! In Turbo Drift, you must make your way through an analog racecourse full of obstacles by drafting movement cards from columns or rows or even pushing-your-luck and try to use all the movement cards. Turbo Drift will make a big presence on your gaming table with obstacle cards and nitro-infused gameplay, yet small enough to put in your pocket for some lunchtime gaming.
Turbo Drift is a real-space racing game for 2-4 players that takes 30 minutes to play. Players will take turns picking 1,2,or 3 path cards from a grid to navigate their cars closer to the goal card. Once per game, they can go turbo, using all of the cards in the grid to drive. The first player to cross the finish line wins!
BGG Page: Turbo Drift on Board Game Geek
Blog Posts:
A Button Shy Micro Chat on Turbo Drift
Podcast Interviews:
- Go Forth And Game: Into The Drift - A Conversation With...Rob Cramer, part 1
- Go Forth And Game: Kicking In the Turbo - Part 2 with Rob Cramer
- Your Table's on Fire: Episode #44 – ButtonShy Wallet Series, 2017 Quarter 1
How to Play
"Overall I think Turbo Drift is a hit and at the low price point ($12 includes shipping) you should strongly consider picking this one up. Players looking for small portable games that play quickly but pack some punch will love Turbo Drift." - Everything Board Games
"Another awesome game in the long line of awesome games from Button Shy Games. I think Rob Cramer did a great job designing a perfectly unique micro racing card game." - Boardgaming FTW
"We played this game 5 times the other night, everyone was having a blast, laughing, yelling, hooting and hollering.." - Brawling Brothers
Also check out what these reviewers had to say:
Troll in the Corner: http://trollitc.com/2017/01/turbo-drift-a-real-space-racing-game-done-in-just-18-cards/
ATGN: http://atgn.com.au/button-shy-games-1st-quater-kickstarter/
What's Eric Playing: https://whatsericplaying.com/2017/01/01/turbo-drift/
On Board Games: [around 71 min mark] http://onboardgames.libsyn.com/obg-228-nuts-and-gum