You Fool (coming July 10th)

A bluffing/negotiation game for 3-4 players.

Circus Clowns pour out of their tiny clown car to form a small human pyramid. But one fool does not make it into the display, and is smacked in the face with a pie for the entertainment of all. Don’t be that fool!

You Fool is a 3-4 player game about making a human pyramid of clowns, and trying not to be the only player not in the pyramid. In this highly social game, players secretly look at a movement card and try to direct the active player on how to use that card. Sometimes players will cooperate to make the pyramid together and other times they will straight up lie to secure their position.

Once the top 3 spaces of the pyramid are formed, the game ends. The player that is not on the pyramid loses the game and, naturally, gets a pie to the face.

Limited Release

As part of our Button Shy Select series, only 250 copies of You Fool will be produced at this time.

You Fool! is available for pre-order for our Patreon supporters until July 9th. On July 10th we will be releasing the remaining copies at 9:00AM EST. They will ship that day. If you want a reminder for this, fill in this google form and we'll get you an email when they go live.

About the Designers

Dr. Wictz is the pseudonym for co-designers and board game design bloggers ( Aaron M. Honsowetz and Austin Smokowicz. Dr. Wictz specialize in games and topics inspired by real world mechanics, particular from the fields of economics and political science. Aaron is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Bethany College where he also organizers the Board Game Creator Seminar. Austin works in video post production for a corporate media company.